
Sandy Shores @ Narrow Gauge South 2024

 The weekend just gone was quite intensive! Sandy Shores was once again invited to Narrow Gauge South in Eastleigh on Saturday (run by the Wessex Narrow Gauge Modellers), then, Sunday saw my annual pilgrimage to the RMweb 'SWAG do' in Taunton - the finest and most laid back small exhibition in all the lands! Today's post is all about the former, NGS 2024, and what a fantastic day it was! Though as always there is something to fix on the layout before it's show-worthy. At the end (thankfully) of Sandy Shores ' last appearance at Romsey, the point motor that leads to the engine shed headshunt from the 'mainline' developed a fault where it failed to throw in one direction. Looking at the point motor in situ, I couldn't see any obvious problems with wiring, nor any tell-tale signs of coil failure or failed solder joints - so off came the point motor. I was just about to replace it with one of my spares, when I decided to inspect it much closer and take off

Sandy Shores - A medley of new wagons!

Sandy Shores - My first proper attempt at painting/detailing a locomotive!